
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the campaign!  Campaigns and political activities are indeed quite costly.  The 46th House of Delegates District is a very large district with approximately 86,000 residents.  The District is also located in a few different media markets which will lead to larger media expenses.  Therefore, we must have a sufficient amount of funds on hand to get our message out to the fine folks in the 46th District.

All contributions, small or large, are greatly appreciated!

You may contribute using our online vendor or by completing and mailing in your contribution to our campaign headquarters.

Virginia law allows contributions of unlimited amounts from both individual and corporate contributors. 

If you have questions about making a contribution, please contact us.

Contribute Online

Click Here to Contribute Online

Your contribution will be processed securely by our vendor, Anedot.  E-checks and all major credit/debit cards are accepted.

Contribute by Mail

You may send your campaign contribution my mail.  Simply complete the form linked below and send, along with your contribution to:

Arnold for Delegate
239 Park Blvd.
Marion, VA 24354

>>>Download Contribution Form (PDF Format)

Make checks payable to “Arnold for Delegate”